I'm so thrilled to find this lovely book by a Cleveland, Ohio author, LaBena Fleming; I Love You Always. If you are a daughter caring for a mother, this is a detailed look at the progression of Alzheimer's and also gives honest insights into the emotions of the daughter-caregiver. I'm so pleased to meet you, LaBena.
LaBena writes:
My book tells the story of a woman who, although diagnosed with dementia, was determined to live until the age of ninety. It is also a love story, showing what we can accomplish when we step outside of ourselves and work together for what’s in the best interest of our loved ones. It serves as a resource, sharing valuable caregiver tips as well as other practical lessons learned along the way. In addition, it is a message of faith. I can’t imagine any journey that is more harrowing than that of dementia, and I don’t know how people navigate their way through it without a strong anchor. My anchor was God. Words of encouragement, faith, and hope are dispersed throughout the book by the inclusion of favored scriptures.
You may read the entire post here.